Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for taking the time to glance at my page. I know some people were interested in my plans for this summer, and I really had such amazing support with my fundraising project, so I’ve decided to share a record of what I do during my 20 days in Ghana. To put it simply… I’ll be blogging! I think it might help me keep my goals in mind, reflect on my experiences as they happen, and recall their details when I look back.
I’ll start now.
As I’m writing this, I’m on the plane from Amsterdam to Ghana. This is probably the moment where the full extent of my nervousness and excitement kicks in. It’s been building up, on and off, since May when I decided to add this volunteer-internship to my already-busy summer. I stumbled across Unite for Sight by chance, contemplating a program that would combine my love of medicine and global health with high impact volunteering. They partner doctors and educated volunteers with locally maintained clinics to provide free eye care and surgery to patients in need. I’m usually skeptical of volunteer travels that might sound gimmicky and ineffective, but Unite for Sight won me over. They stress sustainability, give clear goals to their volunteers, and have a pretty good outcome. After I was accepted into the program, I did a fair bit of training to get familiar with eye health and volunteering. While abroad, I’m hoping to expand on that knowledge, take in as much of the culture as possible, prove my worth as a volunteer, and spread my enthusiasm.
Wish me luck!

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