Today we went up to Kumasi. I mentioned this
before, but I saw so many crazy things during the drive, that I figured I
should show some pictures. I wish I got more, but it was a little hard to take
good shots with the bumpiness of the road (or lack of road). We were
Kumasi-bound for maybe 6 hours and grabbed food at a rest stop. Here are some
cool sights!
You can’t really tell, but this dirt road
stretched on for soso many miles. No lanes, just trucks and buses working around
goats, people, potholes, and other trucks and buses. What’s more, this red dirt
stains everything. The air is thick with this stuff and when I got back to the
hotel my laptop was covered with a film of it, which I can’t get off. My
clothes and hair also have a red tint to them now. Also, I’m pretty sure
I ingested way too much of this stuff, because I keep sneezing.
Usually when someone visits my family in New
York, they take pictures of the squirrels. To a native New Yorker, it just shows
you haven’t been here long. But I’m pretty sure it’s a universal trend. In Alaska, it’s
the Caribou that get tourists excited; In Mexico, it’s the iguanas; and in New
York, it’s the squirrels. So it makes sense that in Ghana, I kept taking
pictures of the cute little pigmy goats that roamed the streets.
The road is surrounded by these villages,
which look like they need a power hose taken to them. Like I said, the dirt is
infectious. And absolutely everything has a red tint. Miles between each town,
we’d see people walking with jugs of water on their heads, large bags in their hands, or their
children slung to their backs. I don’t know their story, but I’m sure they
walk more each day than I ran in high school.
Here’s the one picture I wish I got: A bull
and some people, chilling in the back of a pick up truck.
Yes, I swear I saw it.